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Pools. PRINTER READY! - Listing

10*KEY0 RUN |M 20MODE 128:VDU2 30VDU1,27,1,97,1,1:REMCtrg On 40VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emph On 50VDU1,14:PRINT" PENSIONERS DENY POOL S WIN" 60VDU1,14:PRINT" -------------------- - ----"' 70VDU1,27,1,70:REM Emph Off 80: 90PRINT" Mr Downie a pensioner in his early seventies said" 100PRINT"' Yes it's true I have just b ought a new car and a new five bedroome d" 110PRINT" house with double gates in M orningside Edinburgh, And yes I have bought" 120PRINT" a new golf club, But it onl y has nine holes',"' 130: 140PRINT" Mrs Downie, (40), Who descri bes herself as a premature pensioner sa id" 150PRINT"' It was just luck that we di dn't win, We don't actually fill in th e pools" 160PRINT" coupon so when the cheque di dn't arrive we weren't really suprised' ,"' 170: 180PRINT" Asked what they where going to do with the money they didn't have," 190PRINT" Mrs Downie replied, 'We will give half to our handsome young son" 200PRINT" who doesn't need it, So tha t he will not be able to buy a new hous e',"' 210: 220PRINT" Mr Downie moving over to the electric fireplace, Coughed and spat into it" 230PRINT" Mrs Downie gave him a long s tare and turning to our reporter said," 240PRINT"' I must appologise for him, I keep telling him that it's not a real fire" 250PRINT" but when you get to his age, Well you know, I've had to remove th e poker" 260PRINT" for obvious reasons, He's a lready blacked the town out twice',"' 270: 280PRINT" Mr Downie turned to our repo rter, 'Eh! whats that? Give him half'" 290PRINT" what we haven't won, Never! That good for nothing skinflint, He w oudn't'" 300PRINT" spend it, I haven't worked h ard all my life to have nothing just to give" 310PRINT" him half to spend',"' 320: 330PRINT" At this Mr Downie sat down a nd then eased himself up to one side an d broke" 340PRINT" wind in a most viscous manne r, Mrs Downie buried her face in her p inafore" 350PRINT" either through embarassment or fear and our reporter went to retrie ve his" 360PRINT" cap, And after opening the window I asked Mrs Downie if they had a ny" 370PRINT" plans for going on holidays this year,"' 380: 390PRINT"' No we did think of going to America, To Chicago in fact, But whe n i" 400PRINT" heard that it was called Win dy City, No I thought I get enough of that" 410PRINT" with him over there',"' 420: 430PRINT" Mr Downie said nothing but r aised himself up again, Mrs Downie smi led" 440PRINT" sympathetically at me and sa id, 'Do you want a hanky dear?, It some times" 450PRINT" helps,'Mr Downie sat down ag ain, False alarm, We all breathed again , But" 460PRINT" not too deeply, I thanked t he couple for their time and took my le ave,"' 470: 480PRINT" As I was going out of the fr ont door, Mrs Downie called after me,' Just" 490PRINT" leave the front door open we need the flow through of air', I did a s she" 500PRINT" requested, More in sorrow t han in anger, As I reached my car I he ard the" 510PRINT" sound of Mr Downies voice, 'Has he gone then? Thank heavens for th at,"'' 520VDU1,27,1,119,1,1:REMDblHght On 530VDU1,27,1,45,1,1:REMUnderline On 540VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emph On 550PRINT" I hate having to be polite w hen strangers are in."' 560VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REMDblHght Off 570PRINT" /½/½/½/½/½/½/½/½/½/½/½"' 580VDU1,15:PRINT" Written by Jim Downi e":VDU1,18:REM Comp Off 590VDU1,27,1,69:REM Emph Off 600VDU1,27,1,45,1,0:REMUnderline Off 610VDU1,27,1,97,1,0:REMCtrg Off 620VDU3:END 630REM"  640REM"       660REM" Composed By 670REM" Jim Downie 680REM" Computed By Fred Price 690REM" 10/8/94 700REM"  710REM" SAVE"POOLS" 720REM" Win The Pools"