8-Bit Software Online Conversion

:0.M.DATA - Listing

10REM Info on programs etc 20CLS 21VDU14 30REPEAT 40READ A$ 50PRINT A$ 60UNTIL A$="Press space." 70DATA Information on programs: 80DATA ------------------------ 90DATA 100DATA Table Tester 110DATA 120DATA A simple times table tester. 130DATA Very easy to use. 140DATA File name 'Tables?" 150DATA 160DATA School Time Table Printer 161DATA 170DATA uses Print Master and will 180DATA not work without it. 190DATA File name 'SCHOPR" 200DATA 210DATA Capitals Tester 220DATA 230DATA Simple, easy to use. 240DATA File name 'CAPQUIZ" 250DATA 260DATA A new font! 270DATA 280DATA TO RUN THIS PROGRAM TYPE: 290DATA PAGE=PAGE+&600:CHAIN"FONT" 300DATA File name 'FONT" 310DATA 320DATA Teletext Editer 330DATA 340DATA MODEL B ONLY 350DATA This program is easy to use. 360DATA allows you to edit a Mode7 scr een 370DATA then save it. 380DATA File name 'SCREDIT' 381DATA 390DATA Simple Data Base 400DATA 410DATA For Model B and for Master. 420DATA The program allows you to c reate 430DATA a file containing names etc 440DATA File name 'DBase' 450DATA