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Fretting. Poem. PRINTER ON! - Listing

10*KEY0 RUN |M 20MODE 128:VDU2 30VDU1,27,1,97,1,1:VDU1,27,1,69:VDU1, 27,1,119,1,1:REM Ctr-Emp-Hgt On 40VDU1,14:PRINT"Frettin"' 50VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Hgt Off 60PRINT"by"' 70PRINT"Richard M Pek' Gunn"' 80: 90PRINT"I'se been frettin about de fu ture" 100PRINT"And de things dat I'se been t old;" 110PRINT"'Bout what happens to us folk ses" 120PRINT"When we starts to gitting'old ."' 130: 140PRINT"But I took a little journey" 150PRINT"To de eastern part of state;" 160PRINT"Gazed at all that pretty scen ery" 170PRINT"Til de time was gettin late." ' 180: 190PRINT"Sakes alive what gorgeous col ors;" 200PRINT"Like de rainbow in de sky;" 210PRINT"I just cain't explain my feel ins," 220PRINT"But I couldn't help but cry." ' 230: 240PRINT"As I stared at dem big mounta ins" 250PRINT"Trees and flowers everywhere; " 260PRINT"From my heart there welled up praises" 270PRINT"Cause my lord had put em ther e."' 280: 290PRINT"Now, I'se aint frettin any lo nger" 300PRINT"For there's one big thing dat I see;" 310PRINT"If my good Lord made dem moun tains" 320PRINT"He can shore take care of me. "' 330: 340PRINT"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "' 350VDU1,15 360PRINT"Written in the vernacular of the Tennessee Cotton Fields," 370PRINT"'Frettin' uses simple languag e to revently reflect on God's providenc e." 390PRINT"It is one of Pek's best loved poems and the one uses to close every p resentation."' 410PRINT"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" 420VDU1,27,1,119,1,0::VDU1,18:REM Dble Hht-Comp Off 430VDU1,27,1,70:VDU1,27,1,97,1,0:REM E mp-Ctr Off 440VDU3:END 450REM SAVE "FRETT"