8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Wordpower - Listing

10 MODE0 20 PROCintro 30 MODE2 40 DIM word$(4) 50 DIM guess$(4) 60 DIM result$(4) 70 DIM score$(4) 80 *FX4,1 90 ONERROR:PROCerror 100 PROCinit 110REPEAT 120 VDU26,28,0,31,19,14,12 130 COLOUR7 140 PRINT"Computers Score "STR$(compu ter%) 150 COLOUR2 160 PRINT"Players Score "STR$(playe r%)' 170 PROCselect 180 COLOUR3 190 FORr=1TO6 200 PRINTSTR$(r)" -----"' 210 NEXT 220 VDU26,28,2,31,19,17 230 IFshow%:PRINTTAB(0,12)fw$:VDU30 240 r=1 250REPEAT 260 COLOUR3 270 PROCreset 280 PROCinput 290 VDU13 300 FORi=1TO6:VDU9:NEXT 310 PROCcheck 320 COLOUR6 330 FORi=0TO4:PRINTresult$(i);:NEXT 340 IFr=1:cscore%=0:pscore%=8 350 IFr=2:cscore%=0:pscore%=7 360 IFr=3:cscore%=0:pscore%=6 370 IFr=4:cscore%=0:pscore%=5 380 IFr=5:cscore%=0:pscore%=0 390 IFr=6:cscore%=3:pscore%=0 400 COLOUR7 410 PRINT" "STR$(cscore%); 420 COLOUR2 430 PRINT" "STR$(pscore%)' 440 r=r+1 450UNTIL result%=10 OR r=7 460 IFresult%<10:cscore%=5:pscore%=0 470 computer%=computer%+cscore% 480 player%=player%+pscore% 490 COLOUR3 500 IFresult%<10:FORi=0TO4:PRINTword$( i);:NEXT:COLOUR7:PRINTSPC(7)STR$(cscore% );:COLOUR2:PRINT" "STR$(pscore%) 510 COLOUR10 520 PRINTTAB(2,14)"Hit Any Key"; 530 A=GET 540 UNTILFALSE 550: 560DEFPROCerror 570 ONERROR OFF 580 VDU22,0 590 *FX4,0 600 END 610: 620DEFPROCinput 630REPEAT 640REPEAT 650 K%=GET 660 IFK%=136ANDPOS=0:K%=0 670 IFK%=136ANDPOS>0:VDU8:K%=0 680 IFK%=137ANDPOS<4:VDU9:K%=0 690 IFK%=137ANDPOS=4:K%=0 700 IFK%=127:guess$(POS)="-":VDUASC"-" :VDU8:K%=0 710UNTIL K%>&40 AND K%<&80 OR K%=13 720K%=K%AND&DF 730IFK%<>13:guess$(POS)=CHR$(K%):VDUK% 740IFPOS>4:VDU8 750UNTILK%=13 760ENDPROC 770: 780DEFPROCcheck 790FORi=0TO4 800 score$(i)=word$(i) 810 result$(i)=guess$(i) 820NEXT 830: 840FORi=0TO4 850 IFguess$(i)=word$(i):result$(i)="* ":score$(i)="2" 860NEXT 870: 880FORi=0TO4 890 check%=TRUE 900 leave%=FALSE 910 j=0 920REPEAT 930 IFVAL(score$(i))=2:check%=FALSE 940 IFcheck%:IFguess$(i)=score$(j):res ult$(i)="@":score$(j)="1":leave%=TRUE 950 j=j+1 960UNTILj=5 OR leave%=TRUE 970NEXT 980: 990FORi=0TO4 1000 IFresult$(i)<>"*" AND result$(i)<> "@":result$(i)="X" 1010NEXT 1020: 1030result%=0 1040FORi=0TO4 1050 result%=result%+VAL(score$(i)) 1060NEXT 1070ENDPROC 1080: 1090DEFPROCselect 1100 disp%=RND(max%)*5 1110 REPEAT:disp%=disp%-1:UNTILdisp%MOD 5=0 1120 fw$="" 1130 S%=OPENINdic$:PTR#S%=disp% 1140 FORx=0TO4 1150 l$=CHR$(BGET#S%) 1160 fw$=fw$+l$:word$(x)=l$ 1170 NEXT 1180 CLOSE#S% 1190 FORx=0TO4:result$(x)="X":NEXT 1200ENDPROC 1210: 1220DEFPROCreset 1230FORx=0TO4 1240 IF result$(x)="*":guess$(x)=word$( x) ELSE guess$(x)="-" 1250 VDUASC(guess$(x)) 1260NEXT 1270 VDU13 1280ENDPROC 1290: 1300DEFPROCinit 1310 show%=0 1320 dic$="DIC5" 1330 S%=OPENINdic$:max%=EXT#S%/5:CLOSE# S% 1340 VDU19,0,4;0; 1350 computer%=0:player%=0:result%=0 1360 COLOUR3 1370 PRINT 1380 PRINT" Word Power" 1390 PRINT" ``````````"' 1400 COLOUR6 1410 PRINT"You have six goes " 1420 PRINT"to find the hidden " 1430 PRINT"five letter word. "' 1440 COLOUR3 1450 PRINT"Result code:-"' 1460 COLOUR6 1470 PRINT"X Wrong" 1480 PRINT"* Correct" 1490 PRINT"@ Wrong position" 1500ENDPROC 1510: 1520DEFPROCintro 1530 VDU23,1,0,0;0;0;0; 1532 VDU19,0,7;0;0;0; 1534 VDU19,7,0;0;0;0; 1540 PRINT 1550 PRINT"PROCEED v.i. press any key t o, go forward or on further, make one's way." 1560 PRINT"PROCEEDING n. action, piece of conduct; (pl.) legal action, publishe d report of" 1570 PRINT" discussions or conference." 1580 PRINT"PROCEEDS n.pl. money produce d by sale or performance etc." 1590 PRINT"PROCESS n. course of action or proceeding, esp. series of stages in manufacture" 1600 PRINT"PROCESSION n. number of pers ons or vehicles ect. going along in orde rly" 1610 PRINT" succession, esp. as ceromon y or demonstration or festivity; action of this." 1620 PRINT"PROCESSIONAL a. of processio ns; used or carried or sung in processio ns." 1630 PRINT"PROCESSOR n. machine that pr ocesses things." 1640 PRINT"PROCLAIM v.t. announce or de clare publicly or officially." 1650 PRINT"PROCLAMATION n. proclaiming; things proclaimed." 1660 PRINT"PROCLIVITY n. tendency or na tural inclination." 1670 PRINT"PROCRASTINATE v.i. defer act ion; be dilatory." 1680 PRINT"PROCREATE v.t. bring into ex istence by natural process of reproducti on." 1690 PRINT"PROCRUSTEAN a. seeking to en force uniformity by violent methods." 1700 PRINT"PROCURATION n. procuring; fu nctoin or authorized action of attorney. " 1710 PRINT"PROCURATOR n. agent or proxy , esp. with power of attorney." 1720 PRINT"PROCURE n. obtain by care or effort, aquire; bring about." 1730 PRINT"PROD v. poke with finger or end of stick etc.; stimulate to action." 1740 PRINT"PRODIGAL a. recklessly waste ful; extravagant, lavish." 1750 PRINT"PRODIGIOUS a. marvellous; en ormous; abnormal." 1760 PRINT"PRODIGY n. person with excep tional qualities or abilities." 1770 PRINT"PRODUCE v.t. bring forword f or consideration or inspection or use; m anufacture" 1780 PRINT" from raw materials ect.; be ar or yield; bring into existence." 1790 PRINT"PRODUCER n. one who produces articles or produce; person who directs peformance" 1800 PRINT" of play or broadcast progra mme." 1810 PRINT"PRODUCT n. thing or substanc e produced by natural process or manufac ture;" 1820 PRINT" result; quantity obtained b y multiplying." 1830 PRINT"PRODUCTION n. producing, bei ng produced or manufactured esp. in larg e numbers." 1840 PRINT"PRODUCTIVE a. of or engaged in production of goods; producing much." 1850 PRINT"PRODUCTIVITY n. capacity to produce; effectiveness of productive eff ort."; 1860 A=GET 1870 VDU23,1,1,0;0;0;0; 1880ENDPROC