CustomDNFS 1.20
70 Camm Street, Walkley, Sheffield S6 3TR
Most BBC model Bs use DNFS 3.00 which contains DFS 1.20 and NFS 3.60.
DFS 1.20 interfaces with the 8271 floppy disk controller and has many
inprovements and major corrections fROM DFS 0.90. NFS 3.60 has many major
corrections fROM the previous main release 3.34.
The NFS defaults to a fileserver at station 0.254 and a printer server at
station 0.235. Many systems have a printer server at the same station as
the file server, and on a network with multiple bridges, this would mean
keeping BBCs on the same subnet as the fileserver. This program allows
you to change these default settings.
There is a slight problem with DFS 1.20 if you use it with 3.5" disk
drives. DFS 1.20 does not give the drives sufficient time to become ready
and so times out too early and returns 'Disk error 10' (Drive not ready)
errors. This program allows you to insert a patch so that disk access
always waits until the drives are ready. This results in DFS 1.21.
To use CustomDNFS you need a ROM image of DNFS. You can do this using the
supplied SrSave command, and you need to know which ROM slot you have DNFS
in. If you have a *ROMS command, this will tell you. Otherwise, the
easiest way to find out is to look inside. The ROM sockets are at the
front of the PCB just under the keyboard to the right. Slot 15 is the
rightmost one, and they count down to 12 going to the left. If the DNFS
ROM is in slot 14 (&E in hex), then use *SrSave to save the ROM image as
*SrSave DNFS 8000+4000 E
Once you have a ROM image, run CustomDNFS. You will be asked for the name
of the ROM image to load. At this prompt you can also do *commands. If
you just press RETURN, the default of 'DNFS3-00' will be used.
You will then be shown what the current settings are as follows:
Customise DNFS for BBC B/B+
Machine type: &0001 - Acorn BBC
NFS version: 3.60
Fileserver: 000.254
Printer server: 000.235
DFS version: DFS 1.20
Pressing RETURN will move between each option. Entering a new value or
YES to the 'Change to fix timeouts?' prompt for DFS will update that
option. The fileserver and the printer server must be on the same
network. Changing either will change both.
If the image loaded is an 8k NFS ROM, the DFS option will be disabled.
When entering 'Yes' to the 'Ok?' prompt the program ends and displays the
command to use to save the new ROM image. This can now be blown into an
EPROM and fitted permanently.
Version History
06-06-1998 V1.20 JGH: Timeouts fix for DFS added, default filename
offered, checks loaded file appears to be DNFS.
Checks if only 8k NFS ROM.
20-11-1997 V1.10 JGH: Allows customisation of NFS default settings for
machine type, version, fileserver station and printer server station.