To: 999 (all members)
From: E3M (Steve Allsopp)
Subject: ***Still Wanted***
I have to tell you all that I haven't
had a single reply to my last wanted
advert and this will not do!! But
seriously, if you have any of the
items on the list I would be most
grateful for a call, I have some odd
bits of hardware that you may like to
swap or, of course, I could even
offer you some cash.
DTP by Database Publications.
DTP Graphics Library.
...if you do happen to have
SpellMaster in a machine I would be
prepared to buy it as it comes.
Genie Rom(BBC B)
Microbrush..either Master or Beeb.
Manual for MasterFile.(photocopy??)
Viglen Cartridges.
Lastly, some 512 software that I've
seen listed on a 512 Applications and
Software list that another member sent
to me.
Gem Diary
Gem Wordchart
Gem Draw
Gem Wordcraft
Gem Graph.
and finally I am trying to get hold of
a modem lead, RS232 to RS423.
3,Schofields Way,
OX15 4NS
(01295)720812 PBX/FAX
User ID : D9H
Ian Crawford.
To: 999 (all members)
From: 3WU (Fred Price)
Subject: Video Digitiser
Wanted for the Beeb Digitiser the
Manual or Phostat of same. If I can
borrow the original I will return it
as soon as I have it copied it.
Fred Price
8 Orchard St
Sunderland City
0191 567 91 35
I know of one person who has borrowed
the full kit from one member but as
yet has not returned them to the
lender or replied to my letter to him
or my message in the last issue 65.
So please dear member do something
about it.
To: 999 (all members)
From: E6B (George Barrett)
Subject: MIDI Software wanted
I want to use my Master to control
MIDI instruments. I have circuit
diagrams for the interface - for
example Robert Penfold's circuit from
Everyday Electronics, March 1986 - but
cannot find any but the most primitive
of software. Can anybody help,
Other things I'd like to track down
are the interface board for the
Quick-shot SV1-2000 robot arm; a
handbook for the Centronics GLP-II
printer, and two Fun School disks, for
ages 6-8 and 8+.
George Barrett, 161 Hayling Avenue,
Portsmouth PO3 6DY (01705 825459) or
To: 999 (all members)
From: E4W (Crispin Boylan)
Subject: OKI Printer Manual
Does anyone have a manual for an
Okidata ML292-IBM? I have the 192
manual but unfortunately it is way out
of sync with the 292.
If you can help me I will give you
some money and the gift of everlasting
Phone: 01296 668140
and ask for Cris.
To: 999 (all members)
From: E4W (Crispin Boylan)
Subject: Wanted
Here is a list of stuff that I would
would like to get my hands on, please
8bs mail or phone me if you have any
of it for sale:
Electron with PSU (yes, much inferior
to the BBC B but I want one!)
Acornsoft Gambit and Hellforce (in
original boxes)
Graphic Adventure Creator on Disk (40
or 80 track)
I would be willing to pay for these
items, but I can't afford too much!
Phone me:
01296 668140 and ask for Cris.