8-Bit Software Online Conversion

Bubble Bobble - Listing

10MODE 7 20VDU23;8202;0;0;0; 30PRINT"Bubble Bobble"' 40PRINT"Player 1 Controls"' 50PRINT"W=Left E=right Tab=Jump" 60PRINT"CTRL to Blow a Bubble"' 70PRINT"Player 2 Controls" 80PRINT"Delete=Left Copy=Right" 90PRINT"Down Arrow=Jump" 100PRINT"Return to Blow a Bubble" 110PRINT'"P=Pause O=Continue" 120PRINT"Whilst Paused - Sound Off" 130PRINT" + Sound On" 140PRINT"Hit the monsters with a bubbl e,"'"then catch the bubble to turn it in to" 150PRINT"fruit, then eat the fruit."'' "Turn all the monsters into fruit to"'"f inish the level."''"The rest is for you to find out!" 160*FX 21 170PRINT'"Press a Key"; 180REPEATUNTILGET 190*RUN Bubble2