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Honesty. Poem - Listing

10*KEY0 RUN |M 20CLS:VDU2 30VDU1,27,1,97,1,1:VDU1,27,1,69:VDU1, 27,1,119,1,1:REM Ctr-Emp-Hgt 40VDU1,14:PRINT"Martha's Honesty" 50VDU1,14:PRINT"----------------"' 60VDU1,27,1,70:VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Emp-Hgt 70: 80VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"O";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"ld Martha Jones w as eighty six, yet still was hale and he arty," 90VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"U";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"ntil she made a b ig mistake, by going to a party." 100VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"S";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"he gorged herself with fancy food, and washed it down wit h sherry," 110VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"A";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"pparently, she ha d too much, and went home in a hurry."' 120: 130VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"N";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"ext day she still felt very ill, and kept on getting sick er.," 140VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"S";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"he thought she wa s going to die, so she sent round for th e vicar." 150VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"'I";:VDU 1,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT" think'said she' Iv'e had my chips, I'm soon to be depor ted," 160VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"S";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"ince you're the o nly friend I've got, I want my business sorted,'"' 170: 180VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"'G";:VDU 1,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"et Freddie Fulle r straight away, they say he has compass ion," 190VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"A";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"nd does the job w ith dignity, according to the fashion." 200VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"M";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"y will is in the little jug that stands behind the dishes ," 210VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"J";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"ust see the cash is all shared out in line with all my wi shes'."' 220: 230VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"T";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"he vicar studied all the plans that Martha had completed, " 240VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"I";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"n case it hadn't sunk in, each item was repeated." 250VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"'I";:VDU 1,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"'m sure you want things right',said he,thats why you're using Fullers," 260VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"B";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"ecause they have a policy of using the right colours'."' 270: 280VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"T";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"hey line the coff ins all in white for single maids and ba bies," 290VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"B";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"ut have a lovely purple silk for all the married ladies'. " 300VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"'O";:VDU 1,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"'h yes' said Mar tha' That I know but I'm not one that ed ges," 310VDU1,14:VDU1,27,1,69:PRINT"G";:VDU1 ,20:VDU1,27,1,70:PRINT"et them to line m ine with white with purple round the edg es'."' 320VDU1,27,1,119,1,1:REM Dble Hght On 330PRINT"-------=========-------" 340VDU1,27,1,119,1,0:REM Dble Hght 350VDU1,15:PRINT"Written By Mary Wade" :VDU1,18:REM Comp 360VDU1,27,1,70:VDU1,27,1,97,1,0:REM E mp-Ctr 370VDU3:END 380REM"  390REM"   400REM"       420REM"   430REM" As Written By 440REM"   450REM"       470REM"   480REM" Of Bedlington 490REM" Northumberland 500REM"   510REM" Please Do Not Delete 520REM" Remove Or Alter The 530REM" Above Section 540REM" Computed By Fred Price 550REM" 9.9.98 560REM"  570REM" SAVE"HONESTY"