8-Bit Software Online Conversion

* Command Program ShowREM - Listing

10REM > ShowREM 20REM J.G.Harston, 15-Feb-1990 30REM Display contents of REM in firs t line 40REM Demonstrates writing code in BA SIC workspace 50REM Up to 64 bytes will fit in work space at &50-&8F 60: 70OSASCI=&FFE3 80FOR I%=0 TO 3 STEP 3 90P%=&50 100[OPT I% 110LDA #0:STA &8E 120LDA &18:STA &8F :½ &8E/F=>PAGE 130LDY #4 140.loop1 150LDA (&8E),Y:INY :½ Get byte fr om first line 160CMP #&F4:BEQ loop2 :½ Check for R EM token 170CMP #13:BNE loop1 :½ Loop until end of line 180RTS :½ No REM foun d, just exit 190.loop2 200LDA (&8E),Y:INY :½ Get byte fr om line 210JSR OSASCI :½ Print it 220CMP #13:BNE loop2 :½ Loop until end of line 230RTS 240]NEXT 250PRINT"*SAVE demo1 50 ";÷P%